Alone around South Africa

Alone around South Africa
Quo Vadis?

About Me

"Why? Why would you want to do this?" By and large this is the standard response I get when people would learn of my intention of traveling around South Africa on my motorcycle. It usually gets worse when I mention the word, "solo." Utterances questioning my sanity and menopausal status abound. These, however, only serve to firm my resolve. After all, why shouldn't I experience South Africa with its beautiful and relatively unspoilt coastline, verdant green forests, wide - swept plains, the enigmatic Karoo, magnificent wildlife, craggy mountains and its diverse people, courtesy of my motorcycle? And the best is that I can spend as much or as little time at a place as I choose. So that's exactly what I will be doing. If all goes according to plan and my anxiously awaited panniers arrive in time, I'll be saying my good byes to friends and family very early on Wednesday morning, 24 April 2013. Check in every now and then to see where I am, what I've been up to and where this journey is taking me, both physically and philosophically.

Monday, 29 April 2013

29 April 2013 - Day One

Hectic! The word gallantly attempts to describe the morning of the FIRST DAY OF MY TRIP! Everything was ready and prepared well in advance.

Just re - reading this last sentence I wrote has me realise just how absurd it must sound to seasoned adventurers. The truth of the matter is that some things did go wrong. Thus early this afternoon found me frantically trying to close up the last pannier (Does one refer to soft bags as "panniers"?) and then test the new GPS again. It is new, because the one I bought just two months ago gave up the ghost yesterday. I was completely taken aback, as it is a really good piece of equipment and its passing came as an unexpected and unpleasant surprise. And that was just one of the issues.

My sincerest thanks, Johan (manager at Cape Union Mart, West Coast Mall in Vredenburg) for exchanging the faulty GPS for me.

According to my planning I would have spent the night quite a few kilometers from where I am tonight. Given the delays this morning, I have opted to spend tonight in a beautifully quiet B&B in Stellenbosch. The Millstream (sic) B&B obviously could not offer me the same fiscal rate that a camping site would have, but it was comfortable, clean and spacious; comforts that my tent could not provide at the close of this day.

Early tomorrow morning I'll be in Somerset West looking for
Tomorrow I'm off to Somerset West, in search of a reputable motorcycle shop. Reputable as in having the facility to have motorcycle wheels balanced. I've picked up a vibration, which to my mind suggests that I need to have the wheel balancing checked. Towards the end of my ride today, I started feeling as if I'd had a full body massage at the hands of a Sumo wrestler. No more of that, thank you! The wheel balancing will be checked!

All things considered, I'm hoping to end tomorrow night in Swellendam. The ride will, however, not be along the N2. At least not for most of the day. There are some interesting places and roads to explore. Check in again tomorrow to see where I've been.

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